Sunday 16 November 2014

The Locked Door : Never Assume

A renowned master of escapology had become so proficient in his art that he started to issue challenges to people to find the strongest box, cage or water barrel, and the most secure or complex structure of chains or locks, so that he could show off his prowess. a bank had made a safe that they claim was impenetrable , and they contacted to dare him to try to break out of it.
The master could not resist the challenge. After he was bound and locked in the safe, he went through his normal routine. He had developed the process to such a fine art over the years that he was supremely composed and confident that he could easily manage to open locked door of the safe.

the Locked Door is an inspirational and motivational story
The Locked Door : Never Assume

But after first hour he was not feeling quite so calm. He had used up all his normal exercises without success. But no matter what he tried , the lock would not budge. After few hours he was completely exhausted. He fell against the huge door of the safe. Due to which door moved and swung open. Actually the door had never been locked. But in the mind of master that door was more secured than it ever could have been it had been locked.

Inspirational Moral of the story : The Locked Door 

Similarly in our life we are struggling to opens so many doors assuming that they are locked without assessing the current situation . This happens with all of us and we struggle with our preconceived notions. One of the great saying by Henry Ford really inspires us, he said: If you think you can, or you think you cannot - you are right.

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Shake it off and Step up

Sharks in life

Weakness or Strength 

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